state-of-the-art Ai for Industrial strength solutions
Today's domain-specific use cases come with daunting technical challenges, meaning that AI solutions based on customized standard products are often too generic. For example, while some use cases focus on failure critical industrial strength solutions, others focus on real-time critical applications in finance or efficiency-oriented business processes. Investments in standard solutions usually turn out to be wasted only in late project phases when the AI performance is unsatisfactory and time is lost. As our team is at the forefront of the rapidly expanding AI frontier, we continue to evolve the state of the art and continuously incorporate this expertise into our AI engine, which we train for three application areas: Neural Process Modeling (NPM), Simulation (NPS), and Optimization (NPO).
Neuronal Process Modeling
The deep learning infrastructure of the neuronal engine is tailored to specific sensor modalities to robustly identify knowledge relevant for efficient process realization. As streams of sensor data are fed into our AI engine, trained deep networks provide results on-site or in the private cloud. While desirable knowledge-based behaviors are monitored and optional corrective actions can be automatically triggered via workflow systems, delays in as-is processes can be avoided and quality targets met.
Neuronal Process Simulation
Our AI engine learns accurate predictive models of processes and "digital twins" directly from high-dimensional time series. The data can come directly from existing real-world processes and systems. In the high-fidelity, efficient and safe simulation environment, deep networks trained to mimic them yield valuable new insights into corrective actions applied in simulations and the performance to be expected. Here, third-party products can be integrated in addition. As inefficiencies in real-world design become visible, deep networks can be educated in a goal-oriented manner and best corrective actions can be identified.
Neuronal Process Optimization
Our AI engine trains neuronal networks to optimize the digital twin's inner and outer processes through Deep Supervised Learning, which results in new and robust process designs being on a higher, global performance level. These optimize economic criteria and minimize costs, save time, increase quality, etc. The new or modified to-be processes finally are deployed to target systems and improve real-world processes and systems.
Detailed Information
An overview of our AI engine and its usage through Deep Learning can be found at this presentation:
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