Neuronal networks for the physical processes of the real world


It is our job to optimize processes and support you in matters of resource allocation in the process, so that you can focus on the core of your business again. Our highly efficient team of business specialists and AI experts works according to proven and state-of-the-art standards, solutions and methods.

Neuronal-Consulting was founded in 2019 to neurally model, simulate and optimize large-scale neural network solutions for business and industrial processes. The company emerged from the research activities of Marcus Grum, who has been at the forefront of major scientific breakthroughs in knowledge-based artificial neural network management and deep learning since the late 2010s. Over the past five years, we have successfully collaborated with key players in various industries, including Enterprise Resource Planning systems, car producers, robotic manufacturers, autonomous conversations, and research institutions, to deliver customized solutions that add real value through cutting-edge research and practical expertise.


Concept of neuronal modeling

Concept of neuronal modeling

Full Title Construction of a Concept of Neuronal Modeling

Authors M. Grum

Citation Grum, M. (2021) Construction of a Concept of Neuronal Modeling. Doctoral thesis, University of Potsdam.


Overview of machine learning tools (Ger)

Overview of machine learning tools (Ger)

Full Title Tools des Maschinellen Lernens - Marktstudie, Anwendungsbereiche & Lösungen der Künstlichen Intelligenz

Authors M. Grum, E. Sultanow, D. Friedmann, A. Ullrich, N. Gronau

Citation Grum, M., Sultanow, E., Friedmann, D., Ullrich, A. and Gronau, N. (2020) Tools des Maschinellen Lernens. GITO mbH Verlag, Berlin.


Design worldwide simulation systems

Design worldwide simulation systems

Full Title Design of a Worldwide Simulation System for Distributed Cyber-Physical Production Networks

Authors B. Bender, M. Grum, N. Gronau, A. S. Alfa, B.T. Maharaj

Citation Bender, B., Grum, M., Gronau, N., Alfa, A.S. and Maharaj, B.T. (2019) Design of a Worldwide Simulation System for Distributed Cyber-Physical Production Networks. 2019 IEEE International Conference on Engineering, Technology and Innovation (ICE/ITMC), Valbonne Sophia-Antipolis, France, pp. 1-7, doi: 10.1109/ICE.2019.8792609.


Symbiotic knowledge management

Symbiotic knowledge management

Full Title Managing Human and Artificial Knowledge Bearers - The Creation of a Symbiotic Knowledge Management Approach

Authors M. Grum

Citation Grum M. (2020) Managing Human and Artificial Knowledge Bearers. In: Shishkov B. (eds) Business Modeling and Software Design. BMSD 2020. Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing, vol 391. Springer, Cham.


Simulating decision maxims

Simulating decision maxims

Full Tilte A decision maxim for efficient task realization within analytical network infrastructures

Authors M. Grum, B. Bender, A.S. Alfa, N. Gronau,

Citation Grum, M., Bender, B., Alfa, A. S. and Gronau, N. (2018) A decision maxim for efficient task realization within analytical network infrastructures. Decision Support Systems, 112, 48-59.


AI-based process optimization II

AI-based process optimization II

Full Title A Visionary Way to Novel Process Optimizations - The Marriage of the Process Domain and Deep Neuronal Networks

Authors M. Grum and N. Gronau

Citation Grum M. and Gronau N. (2018) A Visionary Way to Novel Process Optimizations. In: Shishkov B. (eds) Business Modeling and Software Design. BMSD 2017. Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing, vol 309. Springer, Cham.


Global optima in production systems

Global optima in production systems

Full Title The construction of a common objective function for analytical infrastructures

Authors M. Grum, B. Bender, A.S. Alfa

Citation Grum, M., Bender, B. and Alfa, A.S. (2017) The construction of a common objective function for analytical infrastructures. 2017 International Conference on Engineering, Technology and Innovation (ICE/ITMC), Funchal, pp. 219-225, doi: 10.1109/ICE.2017.8279892.


AI-based process optimization I

AI-based process optimization I

Full Title A Visionary Way to Novel Process Optimization Techniques - The Transfer of a Process Modeling Language to the Neuronal Level

Authors N. Gronau and M. Grum

Citation Gronau, N. and Grum, M. (2017). A Visionary Way to Novel Process Optimization Techniques - The Transfer of a Process Modeling Language to the Neuronal Level.In Proceedings of the Seventh International Symposium on Business Modeling and Software Design - Volume 1: BMSD, ISBN 978-989-758-238-7, pages 11-18. DOI: 10.5220/0006527000110018


Autonomy in production systems

Autonomy in production systems

Full Title Determining the optimal level of autonomy in cyber-physical production systems

Authors Gronau, N., Grum, M., Bender, B.

Citation Gronau, N., Grum, M. and Bender, B. (2016) Determining the optimal level of autonomy in cyber-physical production systems. 2016 IEEE 14th International Conference on Industrial Informatics (INDIN), Poitiers, pp. 1293-1299, doi: 10.1109/INDIN.2016.7819367.


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